Refund Policy

Refund Policy

A refund will be issued, upon request and with supporting proof and/or evidence from the subscriber or seller, for the reasons listed below under Acceptable Reasons for a Refund. Notwithstanding the above, Cfast Online Market Place reserves the right to grant or deny refunds to anyone for any reason.


Acceptable Reasons for a Refund:

If there is a mistake made, as solely determined by Cfast Online Market Place, concerning two or more payment transactions being processed for ONE Application.

Any illegal or non-approved use of your credit and/or debit card or billing information.


Requesting a Refund:

Refund requests are considered valid up to a month from the date of payment, with no exceptions. To request a refund, please email Cfast Online Market Place customer care service with details of your request and supporting documents if any. Refund requests are processed in the order in which they are received, and you will have the opportunity to provide Cfast Online Market Place with all the necessary details required to process any refunds that fall within the Acceptable Reasons for a Refund.


Cfast Online Market Place doesn’t refund any subscriber or seller once payment is made for a subscription or account topping. However, the payments made to Cfast Online Market Place for advertisements by sellers are non-refundable. You are advised to reach out to Cfast customer care or sales manager to ask all the necessary questions regarding payment options, subscription, or boost packages before you make your payment.


Abuse of Refund Policy:

Where Cfast Online Market Place, in its sole discretion, believes a subscriber or seller has or is abusing this Refund Policy through, among others, fraudulent requests for refunds or initiation of chargebacks after submitting applications using the Cfast Online Market Place platform. Cfast Online Market Place shall have the right to:


Immediately publish to Cfast Online Market Place Authorities at Website, a “fraud watch list” of the names and/or passports or registered IDs of suspected subscribers or sellers.

Block a Subscriber’s name and/or method of payment from being used on the Cfast Online Market Place Platform and its relevant site in any manner. This shall include barring the subscriber or seller from having access to Cfast Online Market Place Services unless specifically approved by Cfast Online Market Place Services.


Refund Updates and Modifications

Cfast Online Market Place reserves the right to modify this Refund Policy at its discretion, or against any subscriber it believes is abusing this Refund Policy and in some cases reserves the right to refuse refunds if refund policy abuse is detected. Any such revision or change will be binding and effective immediately after the posting of the revised Refund Policy.



Cfast Online Market Place accepts no responsibility for the products and/or services provided by any participating subscriber or seller in connection with any delays, errors, or other materials provided by such services. In addition, Cfast Online Market Place accepts no responsibility for any delivery services. Compensation for damages of any kind is not available from Cfast Online Market Place.